Category: Tours

Updated on- January 25, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Introduction – Kalpvas Rituals and Practices Welcome to a journey through the sacred and mystical traditions of Kalpvas rituals, an ancient Hindu practice deeply rooted in spirituality and devotion. Held during the auspicious Magh Mela at Prayagraj (formerly known as...

Updated on- January 24, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Introduction to Kalpvas: The Spiritual Sojourn by the Sacred Rivers Imagine standing on the serene banks of a sacred river, where the air resonates with centuries-old chants and the atmosphere is steeped in devotion. This is the essence of Kalpvas,...

Updated on- January 19, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Introduction – Astrological Significance of Dates Welcome to a celestial journey where spirituality meets the stars – the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, 2025. A confluence of faith, culture, and celestial alignments, this event is a cornerstone of Indian spirituality and...

Updated on- January 17, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Special Events and Ceremonies at Kumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025: An Introduction The Kumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025 stands as an embodiment of India’s profound spiritual heritage, bringing together millions in a celebration of faith and tradition. This grand event, scheduled at...

Updated on- January 12, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

The Kumbh Mela’s roots are deeply embedded in Hindu mythology, specifically the narrative known as Samudra Manthan or the churning of the ocean of milk. This ancient story is an integral part of Hindu scripture and has been a guiding...

Updated on- January 11, 2024
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Introduction – Accommodations at Kumbh Mela The Kumbh Mela, an event steeped in centuries of history and spirituality, stands as one of the most remarkable religious gatherings on the planet. Occurring every three years, rotating among four different locations in...

Updated on- December 28, 2023
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

Introduction – Kumbh Mela through the ages The Maha Kumbh Mela stands as one of the world’s oldest and most significant spiritual gatherings, dating back over 2000 years. This festival, deeply rooted in Hinduism, is not only a symbol of...

Updated on- December 28, 2023
Authored By- Subramanian
The River Ganges holds deep spiritual and religious significance in Indian culture, known reverently as "Ganga Maa" or Mother Ganges. Its sparkling waters are believed to have purifying and healing powers by Hindus across the world. Myths glorify Ganga's divine...
Updated on- December 27, 2023
Authored By- Subramanian
The Kumbh Mela, a significant Hindu festival, is deeply influenced by Sadhus, Hindu ascetics dedicated to spiritual liberation. Historically, these Sadhus managed the event, overseeing crowd control, and providing hospitality. They belonged to akharas, monastic orders established to preserve Hindu...
Updated on- December 27, 2023
Authored By- Ankur Saxena

The Dawn of Devotion – Glimpse of Akharas As the tranquil early morning envelops the Kumbh, the title “Colors of Faith: A Glimpse of Akharas” gently fades into view, accompanied by the soothing melody of a flute. This serene introduction...

Updated on- December 26, 2023
Authored By- Ankur Saxena
The Kumbh Mela, while deeply entrenched in Hindu mythology and culture, presents an intricate tapestry of beliefs, practices, and historical interpretations. Its Vedic references, though not explicit in describing the festival as it is known today, have contributed to the...
Updated on- December 26, 2023
Authored By- Ankur Saxena
Maha Kumbh Mela is a fascinating amalgamation of myth, philosophy, astrology, and history. Its origins, steeped in ancient lore and enhanced by philosophical and astrological significance, have evolved through various historical and sociopolitical phases. Today, it stands as a symbol...